Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bunch of Random Things

I must be looking a little frazzled today. An older gentleman in the grocery store asked me if I was ok... twice. I assured him I was fine.

It's day 2 of my husband working 16 hour shifts and I'm a little on edge, but ok.

Last night Reece ate bar cheese by the fistful, right out of the tub. By the time I was able to get to him, it was all over his clothes, face, the carpet, Sophie's shoes (what the heck?) their toy horse, and his Sit & Spin. This is where mommy wanted to Shit and Spaz.

Tomorrow is grocery shopping. Alone. Never thought I would see the day when grocery shopping alone was a treat!

In other news, Jake is coming home soon. I miss him. A lot. I snapped this picture on Easter, the first weekend of "GS" weather.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Oh yeah baby:

Woodshop. Go there. Seriously.

This is the 3rd time I've been to this restaurant in 2 months. The food is to die for. But don't go unless you like meat, bbq or pizza.

I like to order the beef brisket. With the Tenn. bbq sauce, green bean casserole (yes, you can order that at a restaurant) and the cheesey potatoes. O.M.G.

And those are mile high homemade onion chrunchies.

But the best part.

I got to go with these fine people...

And obvisouly, my dad was there too. Thanks for always keepin it real, Dad.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Living weekend to weekend

Google isn't letting me upload pictures. So until I can figure that out, no pictures :(

We've been living weekend to weekend. Sophie's party to the funeral for my grandfather. Phew. Looking forward to some down time and hanging out with my sister and her family.

Tomorrow is Woodshop. Last time I had the brisket and it was goooood. I just might have it tomorrow night too. And I'm definitely trying the apple cobbler for dessert. Typical. I've got my menu all planned out.

The rest of this week is grocery shopping, cookie baking and preparing for Sophie's kindergarten round-up.

Pray for me and my mommy's heart. My baby turned big girl is going to start school. She'll be graduating before I know it!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Despite my best efforts

All that coupon trouble to save some big bucks on the things we need..... The six dollar hair gel, hunted it down for 50 cents..... he's ALLERGIC to it now. My poor husband and his sensitive skin. He looked like he had raging sun burn, in Michigan in the middle of March. I don't have a picture of it to share. Besides, he would KILL me. Gotta run!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

But I have a coupon!!!!

We had this project/ field trip in 4 th grade to make a list and shop for a Thanksgiving turkey dinner. We could use sales and coupons to try and come up with the cheapest meal in the class.

The class took a trip to the local grocery store to shop and pretend purchase the items for our dinners. Now, I can barely manage to take my 2 kids to the grocery store let alone a WHOLE 4th GRADE CLASS. That's 30 nine year olds!

I remember one kid in our class kept wanting to buy whatever he had a coupons for. "We don't need that, it's not on our list."

"But! I have a coupon!" His team lost.

I recently started couponing. And I'm super excited for Extreme Couponing on TLC to air next week.

I have been reading and printing and organizing and calculating. I feel like I am starting to get the hang of it. I haven't saved hundreds or have a massive stash.

But here's my latest round-up. Over $33 retail value for $6.

12 items. That's only 50 cents an item! In case you can't see everything (I'm also new to blogging and documenting my coupon scores), here's the run- down:

3 boxes of Nature Valley granola bars

2 Axe shower gels

1 Axe hair gel- that thing is normally $6 on its own!

2 Ajax dish soaps

1 tube of A&D ointment

1 Suave Kid's shampoo

2 loaves of Aunt Millie's Heathy Goodness bread

I just want to cut my grocery bill by atleast $100 a month. Something to build our savings up faster. Because car repairs, dental bills and Consumer's Energy are NOT our friends. Ever.

Anyone have any good tips? Here are my favorite sites...

Hello there new friend....

Chai Tea.

Half Tazo Cahi Tea and half Silk Vanilla Soy. Froth the top with a "frother". Put your kids to bed, send your husband off to work. Enjoy.

The name sake

I should probably talk a little bit about where the name of the blog came from. I'm not a vain person, at least I don't think I am. So I'm not trying to define myself in the blog world as some super model. Let's get real. I was a size 8 when I got married and that was almost 7 years ago. Two kids later, one weighing in at a hefty 9 lbs 14 ozs, my metabolism (and hip structure for that matter) have never been the same since. I am NOT what I used to be. Where that skinny chick is I have no clue- just some general idea about what sent her running crazy mad out of my life. Smile Jess. ( 2007: A look my husband is accustomed to seeing, I'm sure.) Around Christmas one year, we decided to go to the Ladie's Christmas Tea at the church. And by we, I mean my mom and sister and I. My mother was seated next to her friends across the room. So much for Bucinski girl time, or for sitting with SOMEONE you know time. Atleast my sister and I had each other. What is born next is probably one of the funniest inside jokes of all time. The sweet, loopy old woman next to me tried to make conversation. She wanted to know if I had children, where I lived and what my husband did for a living. Although sweet and innocent, I couldn't help but notice her inability to keep her dentures in her mouth. And I knew why. They were too big. Like serveral sizes too big. Completely prepared that these horse teeth just might end up on my plate, I waited to answer her next question. "What do you do? Do you work?" Ahhhh, the million dollar question for every mother. "Yes I ansered, I have a catering business. " Her response is pricless. Dentures bulging and spit spraying, "Well, you're not very fat for a caterer!". Oh really?!